Marc Barasch: Healing Dreams

Most of us have had (or inevitably, will have) at least one dream in our lives which stops us in our tracks.

Such dreams tell us that we’re not who we think we are. They reveal dimensions of experience beyond the everyday. They may shock us, console us, arouse us, or repulse us.

They take their place alongside our most memorable life events because they’re vivid and emblematic. Some are like parables, setting off a sharp detonation of insight; others are like gripping mystery tales, drawing us into the unknown; and still others are like mythic dramas, or horror stories, or even uproarious jokes.

In our journey from childhood to age, we may count them on one hand; yet once they have flared in the soul, they constellate there, emitting a steady, pulsar-like radiance.

From Healing Dreams; Marc Barasch


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