Patricia Garfield Universal Dream VII: Being Naked in Public

Jack Kirby:  Strange World of Dreams  Issue #1

Being Naked or Inappropriately Dressed in Public

You dream of being nude in a public place. You may also dream of being inappropriately dressed in public, for instance, showing up at work in your nightgown or pajamas. A variation of this theme is the appearance of some other dream character being naked or wrongly dressed.

I’m in the office when I become aware that people are looking at me in a peculiar way. I look down and am shocked to see I have no clothes on.

My groom shows up at the altar wearing a weird outfit, a mix of an ethnic costume and a clown suit. I’m mortified.

Dressing Harmoniously and Handsomely

The opposite of naked or ill-dressed-in-public-dreams are those in which we find ourselves wearing beautiful clothing. These dreams sometimes refer to satisfaction with the appearance of our bodies, or may refer to a situation in which we feel that we “fit” well.



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