Patricia Garfield’s Universal Dream VI: Falling or Drowning

6.0 Falling or Drowning

Definition: You dream of falling through the air, frightened. You may or may not strike the ground before awakening. A variant of this dream are images of drowning or near-drowning.


o I am running when I trip over a stick and fall over a cliff, going down and down and I am about the hit the rocks below.

o I’m swimming when a giant tidal wave washes over me; I can’t breathe.

6.5. Flying Joyfully through the Air; Swimming Joyfully

Whizzing along in space, feeling the wind, sensing a delicious freedom is probably the all-time favorite dream. Although this theme may evolve as an escape out of a fearful situation, dream flying soon becomes a joy-filled activity. A similar feeling of pleasure can emerge in dreams of moving effortlessly through water.



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