The Healing Power of Dreams and Nightmares

This is far and away the most interesting and exciting direction that dreamwork is taking, the utilization of individual dream images to aid in the process of healing. Exceptional people, exceptional research.

The Healing Power of Dreams and Nightmares
The IASD Dream Work with Cancer Patients Project
Tallulah Lyons
Wendy Pannier


Healing dreams are those that carry a felt sense of reconciliation, resolution of conflict, balance, or harmony and peace. Healing dreams bring a sense of
new possibilities, hope and meaning. For many who are facing cancer, healing dreams offer guidance, commenting on medical treatment options and outcomes
as well as perceptions, attitudes and behaviors that need attention in order to heal. In our work with cancer patients, we have seen four types of healing dreams.

Some of the most powerful have been dreams of numinous encounter. Such dreams elicit a total positive shift in mind, body and spirit.

The second type we have come to call “resolution and renewal” dreams. There is no numinous encounter, yet the dreamer awakens with a sense that everythingis going to be all right.

We describe the third type as “dreams of guidance.”Most cancer patients face many conflicting options throughout treatment. The choices can be
overwhelming.Which treatment center, which oncologist, which surgeon, chemotherapy or radiation—the options go on and on.
The fourth type of healing dream arises as the culmination of long-term dream work triggered by a nightmare. We encourage dreamers to explore their
nightmares using basic dream work techniques:writing them down, recording emotions, exploring key symbols, themes and questions.

We teach a dream re-entry technique using a full-sensory, guided imagery experience that helps the dreamer create a safe place.

First, the dreamer is guidedinto a deep state of relaxation by focusing on the breath and on progressively relaxing parts of the body.

The relaxed meditative state is further deepened by imagining descending a set of stairs into an environment the dreamer creates that feels totally safe and conducive to healing.

After savoring this safe place with all the senses, the dreamer may wish to invite a supportive presence or companion.

It is only after the dreamer feels comfortable maintaining the image of this safe place that the nightmare is reentered. As nightmares are repeatedly explored in visits to this secure meditative space, most of the disturbing quality gradually transforms and the culminating imagery becomes powerful “medicine” for the healing journey.

Sometimes the nightmare evolves through a series of dreams, sometimes through guided imagery experiences, and sometimes a combination of both.



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