Patricia Garfield’s Universal Dream X: Natural and Manmade Disasters

Disasters, Natural or Manmade
You dream about being confronted with overwhelming natural or manmade disasters. The dream may involve a flood, torrential rain, or a tidal wave. You may see yourself or another dream character drowning. Natural disaster variations include earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, firestorms and other devastations. Manmade disasters include attacks by atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, chemical warfare, and so forth.

I am at the beach when suddenly a huge tsunami appears on the horizon–the whole seacoast will be devastated.

The mountain begins to smoke and rumble, about to erupt.

There is a great flash of light like an atomic bomb–it’s an attack.

Natural Beauty or Miracles

The opposite of dreams in which natural or man-made disasters occur are those dreams in which the dreamer is inundated by the beauties of nature, rather than by destructive forces. The dreamer may observe or participate in miraculous occurrences.



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