Patricia Garfield’s Universal Dream XI: Being Lost or Trapped

Being Lost or Trapped


You dream you are lost, perhaps feeling desperate. You may be trying to find your way in a forest, in city streets, in a maze, or inside a large building.

I am in a strange part of town that looks threatening. I keep trying to find my way out but get more and more mixed up.

I am in a hospital basement. All the corridors look alike–I’m lost.

Paralyzed or Stuck or Trapped

You dream you are unable to move, perhaps unable to scream or breathe. The circumstances vary. You may dream that you are buried alive, or that you are caught or trapped in some other way. You may feel terror.

I am buried alive. I bang on the lid of the coffin, but no one can hear me. (man who felt stuck in a marriage)

I’m lying in a hospital with dead people on stretchers all around me. I’m alive but I can’t move or scream. I’m horrified. (sexually abused teenaged girl)


Discovering New Spaces

The opposite of dreams of being trapped or paralyzed are those in which the dreamer discovers marvelous new spaces. There are several versions of this universal dream.

Finding a New Room in Your House

Opening a door in your ordinary home to discover a whole new room is an uplifting variant of Discovering New Spaces. Some dreamers find incredible treasures they didn’t realize existed in the attic of their dream houses.



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