Healing Dream: Androgynous Twins

A fifty year old woman dreams:

I was in a small house and it started to rock, like an earthquake was shaking it, but I said to someone ‘don’t worry, it will stop in a minute’. Which it did, but when I looked, the entire side of the house had been removed and we were on the shore of the ocean.

As I looked out to the horizon a ‘mattress’ with 2 blonde-headed androgyne youths (with benign faces) – twins – were lying face down looking towards me in the house as the mattress flew just above and across the surface of the sea.

It was quite extraordinary and woke me up.

The Dreamer comments:

I have been researching the symbolism of the blonde twins because it was quite specific, I always follow the specifics in dreams.The androgynous thing has come up before, but usually as Male/Female – this was more like Andrognynous/ Andrognynous. The sea I am pretty sure is the unconscious and it is right at my ‘door’ but didn’t feel threatening at all like it has been for the last many years. It was like I was welcoming something in, the light was illuminating all parts of the ‘house’ which was quite small, not the ponderous depths of space I am used to. That felt good. Much lighter.

(Painting by the dreamer)


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